Relative position in poker

Relative position in poker

Understanding Relative Position in Poker and its Importance Relative position in poker is an important factor in any hand, especially in Hold’em poker. When you go last and have a chance to see what your opponents are doing before you play, this is a huge advantage. However, relative position doesn’t have to do with when…

$500 Level 10 Online Poker Update

$500 Level 10 Online Poker Update

$500 Level 10 Online Poker Update Just announced… The $500 Level 10 Online Poker game has moved to 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern. This will allow more time for poker players to achieve last-chance Level 10s. We have also added a $100 Poker Tournament at noon (on Sundays), with a $500 Level 10 Online Poker ticket…

Poker Heros

Poker heroes and villains

Poker heroes and villains When it comes to watching sports on television or in person, it’s all about me. I want to be entertained. I want Poker heroes and villains. I want to have someone to cheer, and someone to boo. I want to laugh. I want to curse. And every now and again I…
