In the past 9 months, you may have noticed that Cafrino has been on an extended hiatus. No, we didn’t cash out and travel the world with our poker winnings. We’ve actually been working night and day to improve your online poker experience!
With the help of our new CEO, we’ve made some significant changes to the wallet, tournament structure, and branding of the website. And that’s just the beginning! In the coming months, we’ll be releasing a TON of new updates to further improve the player experience secure Cafrino’s spot as the #1 online poker site in the US.
Now, we need YOUR help! After months of hard work, we’re finally ready to let our players test some of the changes we’ve made. Cafrino Beta is officially launching in a few days, and we’re looking for players to participate and let us know how we’re doing so far. Even better, you can still win CASH during Beta testing!
With the players’ help, the new Cafrino will truly be a revolution in the world of online poker. And trust us when we say, we’re just getting started!
Are you ready to test Cafrino (and win a little extra money while you’re at it?) Click below to sign up for Beta!