Cafrino: New NLOP Updates

Cafrino is proud to announce new updates with our product NLOP. From new mobile apps, to a growing prize pool, all is explained in this collaborative article with EGR. Read more below, and check out the new mobile apps for yourself. EGR Article The National League of Poker (NLOP) passed its 15th year in operation…

women poker players

Top Women Poker Players

In honor of women’s history month, Cafrino would like to honor some of the top women poker players. With National League of Poker as our product, we have noticed our many talented lady players frequently winning championships and large cash games. Without any further ado, here is a list of the all time top ranked…

themes in gaming

The Importance of Themes in Gaming

Themes in gaming are often overlooked, but can be the most important aspect long term. Choosing a theme is extremely difficult. Trends change everyday, and themes can determine who the fans will be. Appealing to the majority or a niche trend is the biggest decision. In this article from PocketGamer, Rimmy Spanjer analyzes the issues…


Digital Product Manager Role

Cafrino is hiring a Digital Product Manager! This Digital Product Manager role isn’t exactly typical, so we decided to write an article and get more specific. The ideal fit for this position is someone who is experienced in live and online poker. The world of legal online poker is the main focus of Cafrino currently,…

social gaming

Social Mobile Gaming Trends

Social mobile gaming is taking over the gaming industry. Social gaming is fun for everyone involved, and allows users to stay in touch with friends from a distance. Playing in groups with friends, or just one on one, has never been so convenient. With technology rapidly changing, it is no surprise that new trends emerge…

poker industry

The Poker Industry in 2021

The poker industry was greatly affected by the pandemic of 2020. It is yet to be determined how 2021 will be, as a vaccine is being distributed currently (as of February). Mo Nuwwarah of PokerNews wrote an article about his predictions included in the following excerpts.  Not Hopeful for Major Live Events “The year 2020…
